Welcome! My name is Linn, I am 18 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I have a passion for makeup and beauty, and I dream of opening my own beauty salon one day. I love experimenting with different makeup styles and techniques, and I find joy in helping others feel beautiful and confident. In my free time, I enjoy watching beauty tutorials, reading fashion magazines, and keeping up with the latest trends. I believe that life is a canvas, and I’m excited to paint it with my creativity!

  • Nombre: Gladys Duty
  • Edad: 18
  • Encender:

    I am very pleased to get compliments, they really decorate my day! Feel free to share the opinion of my appearance, makeup or something you like. I am open for suggestions and constructive criticism. Your ideas can help us grow and develop together! If you like my show, I will be very happy about good vibrations and gifts. Do not forget to leave a review and write a comment - it's always nice!.

  • Categoría: Amateurs
  • Etnicidad: Blanco
  • Tipo de Cuerpo: Mediana
  • Tamaño del Pecho: Enorme
  • Longitud del cabello: Largo
  • Color del cabello: Caoba
  • Nickname: GladysDuty
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Calificación:
  • Privado de: $5.99
  • Etiquetas: BaileCaptura de pantallaCueroNaturalTatuaje